The Charlotte Observer runs op-eds today from Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Rather than risk trespassing over fair use, I will merely quote all of the hackneyed rhetoric and overused catchphrases in their articles. From Obama’s, here they are in order:

defining moment / American dream is slipping away / settle for the status quo / stand for change / working for change / from the bottom up / fought for jobs / on the streets / stood up … for people / denied opportunity / [denied] justice / expand health care / tax cuts / working people / stood up to the special interests / broken politics / divisive fights in Washington / solving problems/ make progress / driven by special interests / restore fairness / a tax cut to hardworking families / universal health care / make college affordable / skills to compete in our global economy / turn the page / favored Wall Street over Main Street / ship jobs overseas / invest / jobs of the future / put Americans to work / safeguard our security / connect our communities / politics of fear / put the American dream within reach

And now those from Clinton’s:

the issues that matter most / working / love this country / dream for your children /feeling squeezed from every direction / cost of gas / economic crisis / stakes are high / challenges great / the possibilities are endless / tackle our challenges / create good jobs / turn our economy around / the middle class / keep our families safe/ solve problems / at home and abroad / got our work cut out for us / deliver solutions / deliver solutions / create good jobs / crumbling infrastructure / deliver solutions / high gas prices / end our dependence on foreign oil / relief at the pump / affordable, quality health care / deliver solutions / corporate special interests / middle-class families / tax cuts / health care / college / save for retirement / get tough on China / good for our workers / bringing our troops home / don’t back down from a challenge / It’s up to all of us / keep the promise of America for the next generation