Oh, you know they are hating it in Raleigh. The guy who told them Jim Black was a crook turned out to be right. Oh how they hate that, how they hate the fact that they knew, deep down they also knew Jim Black was a crook, but figured as long as he didn’t get caught, it would be OK.

So now, of course, confronted with a reminder that it is not OK, that they were moral cowards, what do they do? Why, pile on John Rhodes with a venom and spite normally reserved for child-molesters.

Check out columnist Scott Mooneyham, raving and drooling, trying to make Rhodes seem small for never having held a position of power under Jim Black. An “undistinguished legislative career” with Jim Black in power is a badge of honor, Scott. Distinguished? Given pay-to-play and sacks of cash changing hands, that’s grounds for a polygraph examination and a bank account freeze.

What a sad joke of an attempt at a smear.

Or rather it would be were it not for the fact that the General Assembly is still crawling with criminals. That is what the Scott Mooneyhams want to go away, want the public to forget about. Make it seem like only crazies like John Rhodes are still concerned about corruption in Raleigh. “Jim Black is gone, the loons are having their day. Let the rest of us sane folk move along,” they are saying. Praying, really.

Don’t you buy it for a second.