Just a passing thought, but it seems like the peace movement has suddenly disappeared. After only six weeks in office, their darling candidate from last year’s campaign has bombed Pakistan and has started his own surge in Afghanistan, and reaction from the peace movement left has been dead silence. If this was George Bush there would be marching in the streets.
Of course, this is no surprise. This is exactly what happened during the 1990s as Bill Clinton pursued his adventurous foreign policies. Well, for those of you who are actually anti-war and not simply shills for the DNC there are alternatives. One person who has never wavered in his anti-war stance, regardless of who’s in office, is Congressman and former Presidential candidate Ron Paul. And if you are looking for a web site that continues to stand for a non-interventionist foreign policy you should check out antiwar.com.
By the way, if it’s consistency on this issue that you are looking for, stay away from the progressive left, which has always been the movement of both global interventionism and also the military draft. In fact you can look for the progressive movement to move more and more away from its “peacenick” stance as the Obama administration moves more and more toward global interventionism–and it most certainly will.