As President Obama traveled to Raleigh this week to shore up support for his proposed health care reforms, the John Locke Foundation was ready to respond. Fiscal and Health Care Policy Analyst Joseph Coletti addressed hundreds of people at an Americans For Prosperity rally, sharing ideas captured in articles in both the News & Observer and Charlotte Observer. Coletti also took to the airwaves this morning, granting interviews to Fox Radio Network morning shows in Savannah, Columbus, Cleveland, Fort Collins, and Seattle. Meanwhile, JLF President John Hood used his position as contributor to National Review Online’s “Critical Condition” blog to highlight multiple aspects of the health care debate, from alternative plans circulating on Capitol Hill to the “cost-shift myth,” to a contrast of American and European health care. (Hood also treated readers of NRO’s blog, “The Corner,” to a discussion of new research discussing economic inequality.) Speaking of health-related issues, Hood’s recent column on the state’s mental health budget spurred a letter to the Asheboro Courier-Tribune. (“Re: John Hood’s comments about the need to retain funds for mental health. A good example of the need for that availability might be the massacre at Va. Tech.”)
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