On Friday, Texas became the first state to mandate the controversial vaccine, Gardasil, for sixth grade girls, as young as 11 or 12. This new vaccine prevents the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer in women, but must be given before sexual activity begins.
Also on Friday, the Washingon Times reports the National Vaccine Information Center released warnings of side effects. The reactions range from loss of consciousness to seizures.
The new vaccine, Gardasil, produced by Merck was federally approved in July 2006 and now at least 18 states and D.C. are considering mandating the vaccine for  school admission. Maryland decided last week to not pursue the issue due to controversy surrounding the mandatory language.
The N.C. Public Health Director is negotiating with insurance and drug companies to shift $40 million to provide five new vaccines for every child in the state, including Gardasil. The General Assembly must vote and approve any measure adding to the approved vaccination list.
While this move sounds preventive, could money be a motivation for mandating this vaccine? The vaccine consists of three shots costing $360. Seems Merck has a vested interest since the drug company would generate billions in sales if Gardasil becomes mandatory. Merck has spent between $150,000 and $250,000 on lobbyist in Texas, and also funneled money through Women in Government, an advocacy group made up of female state legislators around the country.
Seems to me a direct conflict of interest! I would feel better about the situation if Merck stayed out of the lobbying, and there were not attempts to mandate it for school attendance, which infringes on parental rights. Let’s keep an eye out on the money Merck puts toward lobbying efforts in NC.