Who is being dishonest in the health care reform debate? Those who want a single-payer monopsony/monopoly, say the rest of us are anti-reform or even anti-health care. They say we are ignorant, racist, un-American, fear-mongering domestic terrorists. They say we spread lies and distort the truth, and yet when one of us cites a section of HR3200, the response is some variation of “that’s not what the president wants” or “the bill is still being negotiated.”

Newsweek has three stories online using the same picture of an angry man at a townhall meeting. Sharon Begley has two of them telling “the truth about Obama’s health plan” and “the top 5 lies about Obama’s health care reform” (don’t be surprised if you haven’t heard them before). She took part of the list from a more balanced Newsweek article by factcheck.org.

And here I thought the biggest lies were that you would be able to keep your plan, keep your doctor, have better access to care, pay less, and be just as happy as patients in Canada and the UK. Oh, wait, that last one is likely true.