The Durham City Council says it wants diversity in the panel that will independently investigate the Durham Police Department’s handling of the evidence and investigation in the Duke lacrosse case. To that end, they’ve suggested a group of candidates that hits all the bases: white, black, woman.

But I have a better suggestion. You can get diversity and credibility in just one man: Reuben Greenberg.

For those who don’t know, Greenberg is the retired chief of the Charleston, S.C., police force, and is legendary for turning around rotten police forces. He’s a no-nonsense, tough-on-crime professional who happens to be black and Jewish. Now, there’s your diversity. He also has the added advantage of being completely disinterested and unconnected to Durham (except that his name came up briefly years ago as a possible chief here).

His was the first name that came to my mind when I heard a good, objective person was needed for this job. I’m surprised the esteemed members of the council never thought of him. Maybe they think he’d be too thorough.