John McCormack at The Weekly Standard‘s blog points out that Newsweek is so anxious to run a leaked smear on Sarah Palin that they didn’t bother to notice documented facts that prove the leak to be untrue. What facts? Oh, like the fact that John Sununu has a 100 percent pro-life voting record:

Glad to see that whoever leaked this story is too dumb to come up with a plausible smear. And kudos to Newsweek for dumping this whopper without bothering to check if Sununu is in fact pro-abortion.

Oh, and by the way, Jeb Bradley isn’t running for U.S. Senate, as Newsweek reports. Perhaps they might want to check out Wikipedia before publishing the next batch of Palin smears.

Doesn’t surprise me at all. As VDH says in a post linked below, we have seen the end of journalism.