He thought it would be like today, quiet, respectful. But it was nothing like that. As soon as they were seen coming out of the parking garage a “swarm of media came sprinting over.” Then, by the doors, there were Black Panthers. Wanted to keep his head up. “You could barely walk.” As they were walking with Osborn and his dad, the Black Panthers “started screaming out, it felt like from all angles, “Justice will be done, rapist” and “you’re going to get yours, rapist.” “I was completely terrified.” Didn’t know if he’d get hit from behind ot “somebody would take a shot.”

Inside the courthouse, his first experience in a courtroom, there were “tons of people” in the “pews.” People were yelling and shouting. “I thought I’d walked into a cafeteria or a gymnasium.” Sat in the first or second row and a “guy behind me” yelled “I don’t want to sit next to this piece of s-h-i-t mother effer.” Then someone in the back screamed out “You’re a dead man walking.” “I was doing my best to try to keep it together.” This was behind him and he couldn’t see anything. It started to settle down. The entire time “Mr. Nifong was standing there shuffling his papers around while this was going on.” Then Judge Stephens came in and admonished the crowd. Then things finally started to settle down.

Now playing the video of Stephens ordering the courtroom crowd to sit down and be quiet. A question here: Why was no one ejected from the courtroom?