If you?ve been wondering why syndicated columnist, Liberal Fascism author, and National Review snickerdoodle Jonah Goldberg has become one of the most popular writers and speakers on the Right, check out his Corner post today on the Obama administration?s latest communications retooling. Jonah makes a good point with an even-better series of one-liners:

“It was clear that too often we didn’t have the ball ?
Congress had the ball in terms of driving the message,” communications
director Dan Pfeiffer said. “In 2010, the president will constantly be
doing high-profile things to be the person driving the narrative.”

So wait, the multiple trips to Copenhagen, the
five-Sunday-show-in-one-day-marathon, three joint session addresses to
Congress in one year, the prime-time news conferences, the state
dinner, the speech in Cairo: These don’t add up to “constantly” doing
“high profile things”? What’s he going to do in 2010, wrestle an
alligator in the Map Room? Crown himself Holy Roman Emperor? Challenge
the pope to a game of Boggle?

The gist of all of this is that the White House has concluded it
needs to hone precisely the strategy it’s had all along. This is a new
streamlined, retooled, cowbell 2.0 strategy. Faster, more efficient,
and more selective bell-ringing will turn things around for the White
House. Moreover, they’re telling us in advance how they’re going to
crank this cowbell to eleven.

The last sentence mixes two metaphors. But it?s okay because they refer to Christopher Walken?s Saturday Night Live ?more cowbell? bit and Nigel Tufnel?s amp riff in the immortal This Is Spinal Tap.