The Greensboro News & Record‘s “Mixing It Up” column recently cited John Locke Foundation President John Hood‘s column distinguishing the right way and wrong way to cut taxes in pursuit of economic growth. N.C. Senate Republicans promoted in their daily press emails Hood’s column on the impact of state taxes and regulations, along with his column on the late Sen. Jesse Helms‘ role in helping Republicans avoid a 1984 gubernatorial primary.

The Beaufort Observer,, and the Asheville Tea Party promoted N.C. History Project Director Troy Kickler‘s Constitution Day column about North Carolina’s influence in a famous portrait of the Founding era. Kickler delivered a lecture on “Why the Constitution is Important” for the Cleveland Community College Early High School program. The recorded lecture will be distributed for 10th-graders to view at each of Cleveland County’s four high schools.

The N.C. Spin website promoted Mitch Kokai’s “Locker Room” blog entry on the history of the American health care mess.