House convenes at 8:00 p.m. to take up the budget vote – with both spending and the $1.8 billion tax and fee increase.  A few amendments are offered.  One from Rep Hugh Blackwell. R – Burke that would switch money around. Move money around to provide cross-county services to children.  Amendment passes 67 to 49.

Rep John Blust. – R Guilford proposes an amendment to make sure that money allocated for salaries goes only for salaries. Eliminates funding for phantom positions.  Appropriations Chair Rep Mickey Michaux D. Durham argues that you vote to maintain the flexibility for agencies to use that money to use at their discretion.  Again, it’s all about priorities and transparency.  

Rep George Cleveland argues we need transparency and truthfulness in budgeting.  Rep Pryor Gibson says Governor believes that the intention is good and honorable. Lapsed salaries are the only lubricant in state government flexibility. He wouldn’t touch this line with ten-foot pole. Yet taxpayers are being presented with a $ 1.8 B tax increase.

Debate goes on about lapsed salaries and what it means.  Supporters of the lapsed salaries line argue agencies need the flexibility to have unaccounted funds they can spend any way they want.  Opponents say transparency and honesty is needed in all state budgeting.

Amendment that would require all money allocated to salaries must be spent for salaries fails 52 voting yes, 63 voting no.

More amendments in a few minutes