(Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX).

I was going to let this feature slide this year, but that was before I read Mike Adams’ column this morning. In a word, wow:

[This] note … was written to Ruth Malhotra because she decided to file suit against Georgia Tech. She wanted to, among other things, nullify a speech code that was being enforced selectively against conservative speech at Georgia Tech.

Now that Ruth and her co-plaintiff Orit have defeated the speech code in federal court, supporters of the speech code are angry. Because they are opposed to hate speech, they want to see Ruth raped, killed, and choked.

Here’s the note:

A V-Day wish for own very own Ruth Malhotra: This Valentine?s Day, you cannot attack gay marriage. It is about love and you are about hate.

This Valentine?s Day, you cannot condemn a woman?s choice. It is about love and you are about hate.

This Valentine?s Day, you cannot protest The Vagina Monologues. It is about love and you are about hate.

No, this Valentine?s Day, you will be raped. Sex is about love and through it you will experience hate. I cannot wait.