Maybe this dude could be paid an honorarium to talk to libertarians on how to increase their credibility. I mean, think tankers are still dismissed as crack-heads for saying things like, “Government subsidies distort data that would be available from free-market pricing.” By way of contrast, this guy, a student at Swain County High School, was mumbling stuff like he was a member of ISIS, from Syria, and wanting to blow the school up. That got the Swain County Sheriff’s Department, the SBI, and the FBI to go pay his house a visit and confiscate his computer and “two red spiral notebooks with writings, two green spiral notebooks with writings, and one black spiral notebook with writings.” The student told authorities he never “reached out” to that identity-insecure,* ragtag mob that thinks its really cool to wear ski masks and shake guns from trucks rolling before the camera. At least authorities didn’t put the school on lockdown, but let the kid take his test before going after him.

If I sound a little ticked off, it is because I want to live free or die, but terrorphobia did something that could really have annoyed me a few days ago if I would let it.

*I think that means they don’t know where their next identity is coming from. The suitability of the adjective is inferred from statements about how members in this underserved group are reaching out for their identities. Oh, enough. I’m moving on to something that makes sense to me.