With news that at least one Charlotte Housing Authority employee was in business with the would-be developers of a public housing project in Ballantyne, Charlotte city council and the mayor — which appoint CHA board members — must now find out which CHA guidelines were violated by how many employees and what steps CHA CEO Charles Woodyard has taken — if any — to make sure this sort of thing does not happen again.

From the the CHA employee handbook, several clauses suggest possible violations if outside business interests were involved:


The use of HACC equipment and property for any purpose other than official business is prohibited. Under no circumstances may equipment, materials, or facilities be used for personal business.

1. The careless, negligent, or improper use of company property or equipment may result in corrective or disciplinary action, up to and including termination.


To protect the HACC and its employees from unnecessary and non-business related distractions, solicitations and other similar activities among employees, and the distribution of literature of any kind, are prohibited on HACC premises without prior approval from the president’s office.
1. Solicitation and/or distribution of literature by non-employees on HACC property is prohibited.
2. Solicitation by employees on company property during working time is prohibited.
3. Distribution of literature by employees on company property during working time is prohibited.
4. Distribution of literature by employees on company property in working areas is prohibited. ….


Unless written permission is received from HACC, no HACC employee shall reveal confidential data (or falsify the same) to any individual other than an employee of HACC authorized to receive such confidential data.

A. All employees will be informed of the employer’s confidentiality policy and restrictions. As a condition of employment, all new-hires must sign a nondisclosure agreement in which they promise to maintain the confidentiality of the all HACC proprietary information and to use such confidential information only in the course of employment.
B. Employees who violate the HACC’s policy will be subject to immediate termination for serious violations. The HACC reserves the right to seek legal redress and remedies for breaches of its confidentiality and falsification of information by former employees. …….

There you have it. Will city officials duck their oversight responsibilities on this one too?

Bonus Observation: What ever happened to 11109 Providence West LLC/Ballantyne Holdings LLC the entity that wanted the rezoning? All I ever heard about was Stuart Proffitt and Republic Development Group.