Editors at the Washington Examiner take a closer look at the latest charges against President Biden’s wayward son.
Vindication for two IRS whistleblowers has come on two major fronts in the past week as the Justice Department, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and President Joe Biden all look substantially worse. Indeed, Garland looks so corrupt that he should lose his job.
Without whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, none of this information would have been unearthed. They now have provided massive evidence supporting every major aspect of their original claims.
The story grabbing the most headlines last week was the indictment on nine counts, including three felonies, of presidential son Hunter Biden. The indictment essentially damns the Justice Department almost as badly as it damns Hunter.
The story most of the media is ignoring, though, carries implications that are perhaps even more explosive. The House Ways and Means Committee released proof that Joe Biden himself, using several aliases to hide his tracks, exchanged at least 327 emails with Eric Schwerin, the key architect of the maze of international business arrangements enjoyed by Hunter and his uncle James Biden. Fifty-four of the messages were between Joe Biden and Schwerin exclusively, with dozens of the messages timed in apparent conjunction with the then vice-president’s official visits to countries where Hunter was doing business.
The same day, the House Oversight Committee showed that Joe Biden received several monthly payments from one of his son’s accounts that had received millions from Chinese Communist Party oligarchs, after earlier reporting that James Biden has wired Joe $40,000 from an account with cash that also originated in China. A bank investigator had officially flagged the original payment from China as highly suspicious. By now, it is impossible to believe the president’s frequent assertions both that he knew very little about his son’s business affairs and that he had no material connection with them.
Again, none of this evidence would have emerged from Garland’s Justice Department if the whistleblowers had stayed silent.