Let’s see, what wildly successful operation could that refer to? Apple computers? Honda? New England Patriots?
Nope. Try NC DOT. NC DOT!
That’s the new state highway administrator, Bill Rosser, a 37-year vet of NC DOT explaining his steady-as-she-goes approach. That would be the same approach that saw his immediate predecessor resign after flaws in two-year old I-40 lane construction were revealed in the form of buckling pavement in Durham County.
Moreover, Rosser’s own assessments from last year show that NC is not putting enough money into roads even as vehicle traffic, especially truck traffic, ramps up. The number of vehicles has not increaed so much in the past 15 years, it is the number of miles traveled along with the total weight of those trips. That wears out roads faster. This certainly suggests the need for some major changes in the way NC DOT does things.
Then again NC DOT exists primarily to do the will of the General Assembly, road building and fixing is just a means to an end. Rosser seems to know that is never going to change absent a revolution in Raleigh.