A recent article about another Immoral Immonday sent my mind adrift to the old days. In particular, I thought of the Let Asheville Vote Campaign, for which I wrote a two-page position statement for distribution and engaged in several one-on-one conversations discussing the injustice. Reason is slow and apt to resonate with the honest seeker as surely (more or less – I’m trying to wax poetic) as it is to be shot down by the frenzy of those who would prefer to suppress that which separates homo sapiens from other members of the animal kingdom by emotion and instinct in order to bond with the herd, even if it rushes headlong over a . . .
Compare and contrast:
to what you dredge up on “Mountain Moral Monday” on YouTube. And note, I am immune to attempts to use children, blacks, or other special classes as a shield and justification for bad policy.