As I mentioned back in May, lefty celebs are trying to keep a man from using his own private property
for his own purposes. Joan Baez (in photo), Ed Begley and Darryl Hannah are among
the useful idiots climbing the walnut trees in an effort to try to keep
this man from using his property as he sees fit. They want an “urban
garden” for “recently arrived” immigrants to remain on the property. A
fund-raising effort to buy the property failed and now they want to take it. Typical.

the city of Los Angeles forced the man to sell the land to the city for
$4.8 million some years ago. That’s when the “urban farmers” rolled in
to use if for free. But then the courts said they city should never
have taken the land so, adding insult to injury, they sold it back to
the man for $5 million. LA only has to look to Europe for examples of how not to deal with squatters.

UPDATE: Obviously, Jon Sanders and I were furiously crafting our posts on this subject at the same time, but Jon beat me to the actual posting. However, after going to the trouble to find all those links, I’m just going to leave mine up here. Sorry for the redundancy.