A “lawyer’s brief for global warming alarmism.” That’s the assessment Marlo Lewis makes of former Vice President Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth.
Lewis poked holes in Gore’s arguments during a John Locke Foundation Headliner luncheon presentation before 170 people in Asheville.
After lunch, he outlined some concerns (video link) for Carolina Journal:
Al Gore does not present himself as an advocate for a single viewpoint. He presents himself as Mr. Science — okay — and also as Mr. Morality. And when you do that, when you present yourself as a spokesman for science and morality, then you have an obligation to be balanced. So what he’s doing is a standard political trick. You present yourself as though you’re above politics, as though you’re not really speaking as a politician, but in order then to give your political advocacy more weight than it deserves based on the merits of your science or your morals. And so that’s the trick that he pulls off in An Inconvenient Truth. It’s really not that difficult to see through it, and yet so many people in the media have been hoodwinked by it.
This movie is a one-sided presentation of global warming science, climate economics, climate policy. As far as the science part, it’s all gloom and doom. ‘We’re all going to die.’ And it’s just — there’s really no scientific basis for that kind of alarmism.
You’ll find more at carolinajournal.com in the morning.