More support for the notion that academia is a cesspool full of Marxist floaters. Academic leaders, except for a few like Larry Summers and the author of a column in The Washington Post today, deny that, just like most newspaper ombudsmen deny that their papers are left-wing rags, while most of America knows it’s true. Here’s Robert Maranto in the WaPo:
Yet during much of my two decades in academia, I’ve been on the “far right” as one who thinks that welfare reform helped the poor, that the United States was right to fight and win the Cold War, and that environmental regulations should be balanced against property rights.
All these views — commonplace in American society and among the political class — are practically verboten in much of academia. At many of the colleges I’ve taught at or consulted for, a perusal of the speakers list and the required readings in the campus bookstore convinced me that a student could probably go through four years without ever encountering a right-of-center view portrayed in a positive light.
When will American parents, the consumers on the part of their children of these degrees tainted by left-wing bacillus, rise up and say enough? News consumers are already doing that. Just look at circulation figures for most American daily newspapers. Readers are leaving in droves and the news executives think it has nothing to do with bias. Fools. It’s time for parents to let universities know they’re as fed up with the education given their children as they are with the propaganda put in their daily newspapers.