NBC’s Andrea Mitchell says it’s strange that no reporters took Barack Obama’s “dollar bill” comment as an injection of race into the campaign. John McCain, on the other hand, engaged in race-baiting by defending himself against Obama’s charge of racism. That’s the way the MSM sees things. Supporting my long-held contention that the MSM plays defense attorney for Democrats and liberals, check out this comment. One wonders if she gets a check from the Obama communications division:

In fact he has put out the word to all of his people that he doesn’t want race–throughout the primaries and throughout all of this season, he has run away from the race issue, because the last thing that they want to do is remind everyone, I mean, it doesn’t need reminding, just looking at the candidate, but they don’t want race to become the central issue. Especially not in the areas where he is obviously having the most difficulty getting support.