Durham DA Mike Nifong has gone as deep underground as Osama bin Laden lately as his case seems to be falling apart. Early on he was on more TV shows than Ann Coulter when she’s hawking a new book. Unaccountably, neither The Herald-Sun in Durham, nor The News & Observer
in Raleigh, which also circulates in Durham, have demanded editorially
that Nifong come forward and answer the important questions that have
arisen in recent weeks. One person has demanded accountability now,
though. Duke law professor James E. Coleman Jr., in a letter to the editor in The News & Observer:
Whatever the truth is, Nifong can no longer personally restore public
confidence in the prosecution of this case. Someone with professional
detachment and unquestioned integrity must review the case and
determine whether the evidence against the three students warrants
further prosecution. That would serve the best interest of the alleged
victim, the three defendants and public.
Coleman is also very critical of the procedures used to indentify the three defendants.