Nifong’s defense is showing the Mangum lineup video that shows her reacting to photos of Finnerty, Seligmann and Reade. But it that isn’t bad enough, the video also shows players’ photos and Mangum is saying these players “were masturbating” during the show. Now, first off, she’s about as incredible a witness right now that you could possibly have. This has nothing to do with Nifong’s defense. It is only to smear more lacrosse players with an unsubstantiated charge that is, at least from looking the photos of the party, almost certainly untrue. Nifong and his team have set a new standard for sleaze.

UPDATE: I’m told that Mangum was saying “master bedroom” and not “masturbate.” If that’s so, then the above is inaccurate. I hope I can hear it again to verify. But I heard Gotlieb ask her, “And what was he doing.” And it sounded like “He was masturbating,” not “he was in the master bedroom.”