
Let it never be said that Jim Black does not have a pair. Weeks before going before a federal judge for sentencing, Black has his lawyer question that judge’s honesty.

Black wants Judge James Dever to recuse himself from the case because Dever, as an attorney, was part of the re-districting battle of 2000 that went down while Black was Speaker.

The Uptown paper of record reports:

“If Judge Dever imposes judgment on Black it will appear to the public that Judge Dever will indeed have had the last word on the redistricting battle engaged in during his private practice,” wrote Charlotte lawyer Ken Bell in court papers filed Thursday.

Just wow.

Who was taking sacks of cash in Charlotte men’s rooms again? Dever or Black? I’m all bent up, Mr. Bell.

Translated from the native bullcrap, Black is asking for a nice, friendly Down East kleptocrat judge. Beyond that, Black is signaling to his vast criminal network that the Final Battle is at hand.

If Black goes down for 10 years, his desired storyline is that is was at the hand of partisan, hack of judge who had it out for the entire Democratic Party in North Carolina.

Like I said, quite a pair.

Bonus observation: If this stunt doesn’t prod the U.S. Attorney into starting a RICO case against the Black gang nothing will.