The Asheville Citizen-Times, Winston-Salem Journal, and the statewide radio N.C. News Network are among the outlets that have sought John Locke Foundation Chairman John Hood‘s expert analysis of the likely impact of last week’s election results in North Carolina. Stories featuring Hood have focused on the role of undecided voters, North Carolina’s continuing electoral competitiveness, and the impact of Republicans’ U.S. Senate takeover on the prospects for Medicaid expansion.
The Greensboro News & Record‘s “Mixing It Up” column quoted Hood’s first post-election column, while N.C. Senate Republicans highlighted in their daily press email Hood’s columns this week on election pollsters and Democrats’ excuses for their electoral losses. The Winston-Salem Journal also interviewed Hood about the significance of North Carolina’s improved business tax climate ranking from the national Tax Foundation.
JLF welcomed Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol to Raleigh for a post-election Headliner luncheon. The Heritage Foundation’s “Insider Online” promoted the event, and WNCN Television covered Kristol’s remarks. The television report focused on the election’s impact for the future of Obamacare.
The N.C. Spin website promoted post-election analysis from JLF Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray, who is likely to discuss top election- and government-related news again during an appearance this evening on Time Warner Cable News’ statewide “Capital Tonight” program. Gray also covers election-related topics during her twice-weekly appearances on WTSB Radio.
Carolina Journal Radio Co-Host Donna Martinez and Carolina Journal Managing Editor Rick Henderson discuss the week’s top election-related developments for Curtis Media Group’s syndicated “People In Politics” program. Henderson will assess election news and recap the week’s top CJ stories during an appearance this afternoon with Bill LuMaye on Talk Radio WPTF.
The News & Observer mentioned JLF’s support for redistricting reform in an article focusing on redistricting concerns from Republican Gov. Pat McCrory and his likely Democratic opponent in 2016, state Attorney General Roy Cooper. JLF Director of Communications Mitch Kokai made the case for redistricting reform during an appearance with Lockwood Phillips on WTKF’s “Viewpoints Radio.” Kokai discussed election-related developments and the week’s top state government news with Curtis Wright on WMYT Radio. Kokai dissected 2014 election results in presentations for the Moore County Republican Men’s Club in Pinehurst and the Blue Ridge Republican Women’s Club in Asheville.
The Richmond County Daily Journal cited CJ coverage of the latest round of sales-tax referendums in counties across North Carolina. (According to the John Locke Foundation’s Carolina Journal, 66 counties have rejected similar increases since 2007, while 27 have been approved.) promoted Associate Editor Dan Way‘s stories recapping state legislative, congressional, and county commission election results. N.C. Senate Republicans also took note of the story on county commission races. promoted Associate Editor Barry Smith‘s article on the N.C. FreeEnterprise Foundation’s post-election recap meeting. N.C. Senate Republicans promoted Smith’s report showing that 2014 voting data contradict claims of voter suppression in North Carolina.