Our former senator, and owner of the world’s biggest duplex, is profiled in this month’s Reader’s Digest as part of its series on the major party presidential candidates. The juxtaposition in the article of his antiwar cowardice

…he forcefully declares he was wrong to vote in favor of authorizing the President to go to war. “It’s not enough for Democrats to talk about [the war],” he told reporters in New Hampshire last winter. “We need to stop it. We need to show some courage.”

and his other policy objectives such as

On global warming: “We can take responsibility for protecting this earth. But if we don’t seize the moment, it will be too late.”

raised two lines of questioning.

  1. What happens after we “stop the war”? Do we really regain moral leadership? Do we intervene in Darfur to stop the genocide? If the sectarian violence in Iraq leads to genocide there, do we then intervene to stop that?
  2. On global warming, universal health insurance, and the rest of the trillion-dollar giveaway: What if Edwards is as wrong about the need to act, the dire consequences of inaction, and the cost of seizing the moment to protect the earth? He says he was wrong about Iraq and wants to stop. Will he admit he was wrong about global warming and stop when climate change mitigation proves to be too expensive or ineffective?

Just wondering.