In her final days in office, outgoing Democratic N.C. Gov. Beverly Perdue has pushed successfully for a deal to lease more than 300 acres of state-owned property at the Dorothea Dix mental hospital campus for a new Raleigh park. Perdue also plans to make a new state Supreme Court appointment, and left-of-center partisans are pushing her to pardon the so-called Wilmington 10. John Locke Foundation Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray discussed Perdue’s actions and their political implications during an appearance this week on News 14 Carolina’s “Capital Tonight” and with Matt Mittan on WZGM/WHKP Radio. She also discussed unemployment debt and immigration issues with Mittan. Gray continues her semiweekly politics and public policy updates for WTSB Radio.
Carolina Journal Managing Editor Rick Henderson discussed the Dix park deal and a CJ report on dubious voting practices involving a Roanoke Rapids group home for developmentally disabled people during an appearance with Pete Kaliner on WWNC Radio. Henderson discussed the group home story with Bill LuMaye on WPTF, and he discussed former First Lady Mary Easley’s generous pension deal on Curtis Media Group’s “People In Politics.”
JLF Vice President for Research Roy Cordato discussed the politics and the economics surrounding the federal “fiscal cliff” negotiations during his latest appearance with Chad Adams on WLTT Radio. Director of Research and Education Studies Terry Stoops dissected proposals to lengthen the public school day and school year during a conversation with Lockwood Phillips on WTKF’s “Viewpoints Radio.”
The nation’s No. 1-rated syndicated radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, once again quoted from Vice President for Communications Jon Ham‘s Facebook updates. This time “El Rushbo” cited Ham’s reaction to an anti-violence government boondoggle in Chicago.