Maybe it was just that Katie interviewed Sarah Palin and the New York Times interviewed Barack Obama, but this exchange just cries out for Katie’s “which ones?” question

Q: Sir, we?re landing here, but what are you reading these days? What kind of newspapers do you read, do you read the clips, do you read actual papers, do you watch television?

A: Other than The New York Times?

Q: Other than The New York Times. Do you read Web sites? What Web sites do you look at?

A: I read most of the big national papers.

Q. Do you read them in clips or do you read them in the paper?

A. No, I read the paper. I like the feel of a newspaper. I read most of the weekly newsmagazines. I may not read them from cover to cover but I?ll thumb through them. You know, I spend most of my time these days reading a lot of briefings.

Maybe he just didn’t want to admit that his favorite paper is Carolina Journal.