The White House’s decision to open a snitch center to alert them of anyone who disagrees with President Obama’s policies reminded me of King George III’s proclamation on rebellion. I’ve reworded King George’s language slightly to comport with the current situation:

We do accordingly Æ’trictly charge and command all our Officers, as well civil as military, and all others our obedient and loyal Æ’ubjects, including ACORN and activiÆ’ts, to uÆ’e their utmoÆ’t endeavors to diÆ’close and make known all treaÆ’ons and traitorous conÆ’piracies which they Æ’hall know to be againÆ’t us, and my dignity; and for that purpoÆ’e, that they tranÆ’mit to one of our principal Chicago-trained operatives, or other proper officer, due and full information of all perÆ’ons who Æ’hall be found carrying on correÆ’pondence with, or in any manner or degree aiding or abetting the perÆ’ons now in open rebellion againÆ’t our health-care and economic takeover plans, in order to bring to condign puniÆ’hment the authors, perpetrators, and abetters of Æ’uch traitorous deÆ’igns.

Given at my White House the fourth day of AuguÆ’t, two thouÆ’and nine, in the seventh month of my reign.

God Æ’ave Me and my Agenda.