Namely, call your spouse/significant other and tell them to hit the ATM as hard as they could for a couple days running?
I don’t.
I do find it fascinating, however, that Burr seems to be building some sort of psycho-social firebreak against public outrage over federal bailout mania. He is essentially saying, “Look, I was scared. I didn’t know what I was doing. That is why I voted for the TARP.”
Sorry, Senator. By your actions and deeds you are a fascist. You keep saying you want 4 percent mortgage rates. That is not fear and confusion, that is federally directed and subsidized mortgage lending — nationalized, socialized, both, whatever. It is devoid of market input, except as permitted by federal regulators and their corporate partners. Therefore the economic system you have advocated and voted for since October is fascism. A cock-and-bull story about being scared into fascism just makes things infinitely worse.
But it is the dopey ATM use that gets the headlines. We are doomed.