Many thanks to Hal Young for sending me this link and information about the proposed mandatory mental health screening for school children.
My former Capitol Hill boss, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, has been leading the fight against funding for and the practice of mandatory mental health screening for school children. Ron is an M.D. (OB-GYN) and one of the most hard-line pro-individual liberty legislators ever elected. If you haven’t heard about him, it’s because he doesn’t deal away your tax money for the sake of expediency–thus little national fame, despite the fact that he has been in and out of Capitol Hill since the 1980’s.
Dr. Laura has broadcast Dr. Pauls’ position and efforts on her show, so check out the link that Hal provided.
At a time when bogus blowhards seem to get all the attention, and seduce even well-meaning individuals with their claptrap, it’s good to know that some real people and real values survive.