David Bass updates the increasingly curious tale of Jim Black settling his $1m. fine by deeding over some scrub land in Matthews to the state while holding onto more valuable assets.

At this point it is fair to say absolutely nothing makes sense about this deal. Wake County officials say they did not even know Black owned lakefront estates in Iredell County, a fact which both the News & Observer and the Uptown paper of record had reported at the time Black received his fine and sentence.

I, frankly, do not believe that claim of ignorance. But even if true, it is a startling admission of incompetence, one that leaves taxpayers worse off while benefiting convicted flim-flam artist Jim Black. This state of affairs immediately suggests the question, why? Why with everything going against him, a lien against his Tryon St. office to compel payment of his fine, at least $4m. in real estate assets, a $500K balance on his fine, why did Jim Black get another sweet deal from official North Carolina?

The most direct answer is to buy his continued silence, a silence that has been a topic of discussion from the day Black pleaded guilty, often prompted by Jim Black himself. I think word came down to Wake County District Attorney Colon Willoughby in a roundabout fashion from those in positions of power within and without government that Jim Black had suffered enough, that he should take whatever deal Black’s attorney offered on the fine and move on. Put this whole sad tale behind us. Forget it even happened.

Down the memory hole, as it were.