The News and Observer published another op-ed by Stan Norwalk yesterday. I did a Factiva search for “Stan Norwalk” and “News and Observer,” and his name comes up in 41 articles between 1999 and 2007. So far this year, the News and Observer published two of his op-eds, as well as his response to a reader’s survey. And we are not even halfway through 2007!

Between 1999 and 2007, Roy Cordato, Vice President for Research at the John Locke Foundation, has published or been cited in the News and Observer only eight times, according to a Factiva search.

In other words, the N&O relies on opinion from Norwalk five times more often than it does on opinion from thought leaders on the other side. Now that’s what I call fair and balanced.

I think Norwalk is given an aura of credibility that he really does not deserve.