Texas Gov. Rick Perry isn’t shy about trying to draw businesses to his state by actively competing for them in high-tax states like New York and California. Perry touts that the state has no personal income tax – a powerful lure and one of the reasons Texas is prospering.

Perry has already begun airing ads on NY1 ahead of his June 16 visit.

“Texas is calling. Your opportunity awaits,” Perry says at the end of the spot, which is filled with testimonials from Texas workers.

The ad buy, paid for by a public-private organization controlled by the governor, features two 30-second spots which are also slated to run on ESPN, CNN and other cable channels in the tristate area for a week, according to a statement from Perry’s office.

Competition is a beautiful thing.

As North Carolina’s legislators negotiate a tax reform package, it is important to understand that what they decide will have a big impact, not just on every North Carolina taxpayer, but on prospects for private-sector job creation.