Homer: Well, Lisa, remember that postcard Grampa sent us from Florida of that alligator biting that woman’s bottom?
Bart: Oh, yeah, that was brilliant!
Homer: That’s right, we _all_ thought it was hilarious. But it turns out we were wrong: that alligator was sexually harassing that woman.
? “Homer Bad Man,” The Simpsons

In California, a 10-year-old boy made a “crude remark about a girl’s chest” and has been suspended for sexual harassment.

“It’s unbelievable that you have this policy out there for sexual harassment for kids who don’t even understand what sex is,” said Dave Blagsvedt, 41, the child’s father.

(I expect Wake County’s “comprehensive sex ed” advocates would interject here that 10-year-olds would understand what sex is if they could teach them about it in kindergarten.)