Filmmaker James Cameron claims to have discovered the tomb of Jesus under an apartment building in Jerusalem, but Rush Limbaugh also has an archaeological find to his credit. He’s found remains of the Rugged Individual, which many say is a mythical creature that never existed. Here’s the report from The People’s Cube:

Limbaugh said Monday that he is in possession of tangible, physical,
archaeological, and forensic evidence that the Rugged Individual once
roamed the fruited plane and was buried several miles away from San
Francisco’s Mission District, underneath an apartment complex. “He was
totally self-sufficient and did not depend on any centralized
government,” declared Limbaugh, whose claim is being dismissed in
progressive circles as nothing more than a publicity stunt.

And this:

“It’s a fact that the Rugged Individual once lived in America and
settled the West,” the controversial commentator said. “He used to be
free and morally upright. He spoke his mind without fear of
persecution. He ran his own business the way he saw fit. He raised his
own children according to his own values. He owned property that he
earned with his own hands, and he used a gun to protect that property
from thieves. These are facts. So what I’m saying is, hey, world, pay
attention. First let’s discuss the facts and then let’s see their
implications on progressive ideology.”