I have been told that the Uptown paper of record will tomorrow publish a story on the Market Wise polling effort we detailed the other day for Meck Deck readers.

In advance of that story, I want to wonder out loud if the polling effort by the Chamber of Commerce — or whomever, as the Chamber is still inexplicably denying any connection to the survey — will be portrayed in anything like the same harsh light as the petition drive to repeal the transit tax was several weeks ago.

In fact, I am not wholly certain of how Meck Deck’s role in uncovering this polling effort will be portrayed. Sad to say, I would not be surprised if some dark or nefarious spin were to be attached to a straight-forward attempt to inform the community of an important development for Charlotte’s future.

I do know, for an absolute fact, that frequent commenter Skyler the Weird last week tipped the world off to a survey call Sky received. Without that vital bit of info, a very telling development in Mecklenburg County politics and policy would have gone unnoticed.

From there it was down to a matter of luck that Market Wise would a few days later dial-up someone who recognized the call from Sky’s tip and began scribbling down notes. The scribbles were passed to some nut with a blog.

Such is how battles are won — or lost.