UNC-Chapel Hill has a “Writing on the Wall Project” upon which “[u]niversity community members can paint the wall with symbols of oppression and hate in current society and throughout history. The wall is meant to be a physical representation of these oppressions” (footnote 1).

The wall (you can see it here ? but don’t click the link if you think you will offended; the wall contains very graphic language) contains one word on the bottom left ending with “ossidity.” You may prefer to click on the image itself for a larger view of it.

I will admit that I am having a difficult time thinking up what offensive word ends in “ossidity.” The letter preceding “ossidity” appears to be either an h, n or m, but I can’t tell. It doesn’t help matters knowing that student demonstrators at this flagship institution cannot always be counted on to spell correctly (footnote 2).

Does anyone have an idea ? or at least a guess ? as to what this word is?


1. Apparently, painting actual, hateful words in full view of everyone on campus isn’t “violent hate speech” at UNC-CH. “Violent hate speech” is this: responding to an instructor’s when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife question of “Why do heterosexual men feel threatened by homosexuals” with an anecdote about a friend who felt disgusted and dirty when he received a love letter from a homosexual.

2. Remember these from the tuition protest of 2002 (bad math, too)?