With a swipe of a credit or debit card, most people are living in a plastic purchasing world, but I have often wondered if people have lost the concept of real money.

Anymore, most people carry little cash, and few of us even understand the meaning of paying cash for any item. Gone are the days when people shopped with a wad of cash in their pocket and when it was gone they were done shopping. How many people even understand what it is like to hold $100, $200, or even $1,000 dollars of paper money in their hand?

My idea about losing the idea of the concept of money, especially in Washington, was further illustrated as I read the November 15 issue of National Review. The magazine notes that Vice President Joe Biden twice stated, “Conservatives have spent $200 billion on political ads. He meant $200 million.” I agree with National Review that this “Explains a lot about the last two years.”

I have felt that the current administration is a further example of the lack of understanding of real money. The Obama administration just can’t keep their illions straight. Spend another million, borrow another billion, and owe another trillion. What does it matter? It is just another illion. Raise taxes another million, etc. What does it matter?

Thank you, Joe Biden, for proving me right about the Obama administration’s total lack of the concept of real money. What’s illion, give or take a few?