It’s a challenge to keep track of who-did-what-to-whom, and the numerous subpoenas issued in the Jim Black/Meredith Norris/KevinGeddings story.
John Hood used humor to put it into perspective Wednesday – and got a
laugh from the talk show host — when he told WPTF’s Kevin Miller the
saga seems analogous to the “six degrees of separation” joke told about actor Kevin Bacon,
in which everyone in Hollywood is connected to Bacon in some way, or in
the lottery case, connected to Black, Norris and Geddings. During the
week, the Associated Press, News 14 Carolina, and the Winston-Salem Journal
also interviewed Hood. On Thursday, Donna Martinez talked with WPTF
about ethical questions swirling around the story and ill feelings
among some legislators about the way in which the lottery bill was
passed. Thursday night, Don Carrington joined Bob Philips of Common
Cause for a discussion of the investigation on “The Lockwood Phillips
Show” on WTKF. It was Carrington’s second appearance on the subject.
Lottery Investigation Requires a Score Card