In his latest column for The Freeman, Max Borders compares the regulators who have given us Obamacare to Ptolemaic astronomers. Intrigued? Read the piece.
Obamacare is putting the nation through a huge battle that is going to hurt many Americans — some immediately, many more in the future as the unintended consequences play out. The question is why the statists insist on it. Why not leave people alone to make their own deals in a free market? True, medical care and insurance hasn’t had a free market in a long time, but why not try to restore it rather than forcing everyone onto the Procrustean Bed of a governmentally designed system?
I think the answer is that the statists are like the Puritans of old. As H. L Mencken wrote about the latter, they just couldn’t stand the idea that somewhere, someone was having fun. Similarly, statists just can’t stand the idea that somewhere, someone is living his life without their brilliant guidance.