I’m told this is an old Chinese curse. It looks like we may be living it in the artistic community here.

Saturday’s First Night celebration was led off by a parade behind a giant figurehead named “Rhea”.

The News & Observer Friday called it a “goddess”, which the organizers denied in an e-mail to a concerned inquirer, but the picture on page 1, Sunday edition — not online –, looked for all the world like a religious procession. The name, btw, is in fact the Titan mother of gods in Greek mythology. I’m filing this under “Duck, Walks Like”.

Today’s N&O says the Spanish sculptor Jaume Plensa will receive $2 million to provide art for the new Fayetteville Street area. Plensa, who built giant fountains of people spitting water for Chicago, has a … mmm … interesting vision for this new space:

“He said he imagined it as the boulevard that connects the castle and the cathedral,” said Larry Wheeler, director of the N.C. Museum of Art. “What do you do in between? He said it should be like sex.”

Hoo-wee, that should play well in Mayberry. And we thought the Tower of Prisms on Capitol Boulevard was provocative. Plensa says he was joking; I guess we’ll see.