Andy Griffith endorses Bev Perdue.

If you’ll remember, it took a little convincing to get Andy to endorse a female for public office back when Ellie Walker was running for town council.


With that in mind, here’s the list of Mayberry politcal issues through the years:

The Horse Trader: With bonds and the sales tax on the ballot, give Andy credit for trying to make the town a little money by selling the old cannon through a little ‘horse trading.’

Barney and the Governor: Barney tickets the Governor’s car. The Governor comes to Mayberry to shake Barney’s hand for having the courage to ticket his car, but Barney gets into the “water” crock.”

Barney Runs for Sheriff: Barney throws his hat in the ring when it appears Andy is leaving town. When the job falls through, Andy’s write-in camapign spurs the “most important debate in Mayberry political history.”