That’s the name of a blog I just found via a link on Instapundit. it’s all about the “cluelessness at the Sacramento Bee. Come here to see documentation of one-sided reporting in The Bee, plus the latest info on the decline of the McClatchy empire.” Though it’s called McClatchy Watch, the URL is

Especially interesting are the posts about the arrogant McClatchy jerk reporter who gives a military guard a hard time, and the lack of coverage of the posthumous Medal of Honor presentation for Lt. Michael Murphy.

The News & Observer, a McClatchy paper, ran the Medal of Honor story on page 5A yesterday. It ran a whole two inches in a briefs column. I wouldn’t be surprised soon to find a Web site crop up, the way things are going.

UPDATE: The blog entry wherein the jerk McClatchy reporter, Bobby Caina Calvan, bragged about his “do you know who I am?” encounter with a military guard, has mysteriously disappeared. In fact, the whole blog has disappeared. See, that’s the problem. Newspapers attempt to join the blogosphere and then they break all the rules. Ignoring a big, huge mistake is considered OK in print, but not on a blog. It’s called airbrushing, McClatchy, and it ain’t cool.