AP reporter Sara Kugler obviously is upset that Sarah Palin won’t give her or any of the in-the-Obama-tank media the time of day. As others have said, maybe she will when they earn it. After the petulant and irresponsible manner in which they tried to destroy her after her announcement, and are still working hard at it with an army of hit men who have been sent to Alaska, why should she cater to the whining mob.

Kugler ends her story with a perfect example of why Palin shouldn’t feel compelled to submit to the barking scribes:

Another crowd favorite in her speech is that story about how she got rid of luxuries in the state Capitol, like a personal driver, chef and luxury jet.

“I put it on eBay,” she says.

Audiences love this part, but what Palin never adds is that the jet didn’t sell on eBay despite numerous attempts. The state eventually hired an aircraft broker to unload it.

Kugler seems densely to think that the public doesn’t know that the plane, though put on eBay, was sold elsewhere. They do know, but they understand that it doesn’t alter the fact that she DID put it on eBay. Only the media seem to be unable to grasp this.