Says his comment that Evans was welcome to go give a statement to the police was misconstrued as go down and turn yourself in and confess.
You were aware that three players had given extensive statements? Nifong: Yes. You were aware that they had volunteered to give DNA samples? Nifong: Yes. But you still talked about a blue wall of silence to the media? Nifong: Yes, I was trying to get people to talk.
Rehashing all the media statements now. Brocker goes through all the outrageous things he said about the case (reprehensible, horrifying, etc.) and asks if those were in the NTO. Nifong: No, they were not.
Now talking about the racial aspects. Brocker: Such comments would be more likely to push buttons if they were coming from the DA? Nifong: Yes.
Brocker: Quotes his racial statements, about gang rape, silence of the playeres, white-black. Asks him if these were things he was saying to pressure the players, and that these were things he couldn’t say to a jury. Nifong: Yes, I’ve said that.
This is strange. The defense has already gone through all of this harmful testimony that the prosecution is now going through. Weird.