Duke political science professor and Libertarian candidate for governor, Mike Munger, is known for his sharp wit and ability to challenge conventional political thinking and the two major parties. Check out this Duke Chronicle piece. In October, he will be part of a gubernatorial debate in Charlotte. I can’t wait. I have a feeling he’ll leave some of the candidates with that deer-in-the-headlights look. Here’s part of what Munger told the Raleigh News & Observer a couple of days ago in this Under the Dome column:
In a recent e-mail message to Dome, Munger joked that he was disappointed by the invitation, since it upended his plans for his fall campaign.
“The entire strategy of the Munger for Governor campaign was built on a single premise: Cry and whine like a French soccer player over being kept out of the debates,” he wrote.
Here’s his website.
You’ll find the web sites of the Republican candidates here, and the Democratic candidates here.