Henderson County Commissioner Grady Hawkins announced he would attend all agenda-setting meetings. Historically, the only representatives from the commission in attendance at these meetings would be the chair and vice chair. Hawkins’ presence would create a quorum, which, in turn, would necessitate a heap of bureaucratic workload to comply with open meetings laws. For example, commissioners would now meet four times a month.

Hawkins explained his intentions. Too many times he had to yank items he thought warranted dynamic public discussion from the consent agenda.

Vice Chair Tommy Thompson thinks Hawkins is trifling and creating headaches for others.

Vice Chairman Tommy Thompson said Hawkins is quibbling over “a very, very small problem,” based on “a foundation of mistrust.”

Evidently, Hawkins didn’t get the memo, written in stone, that declared all elected officials angels pure as the driven snow. Imagine! Mistrusting government? Tsk! Tsk!