As he was getting kicked off the dais Tuesday night, Greensboro City Manager Mitchell Johnson told the City Council a story about how he was ringing the Salvation Army bell one evening and so many people he talked to weren’t sure if he was an elected official or not. That experience was his inspiration for initiating the move off the dais so he would no longer confuse the public. I personally was touched.

Not so much the Rhino’s John Hammer:

It was a sweet story about the Salvation Army by Mitch Johnson, and it would be nice to know who in the Public Affairs Department wrote it, or perhaps it was written by the new $121,000-a-year-assistant city manager for communications.

Haaaarsh. Johnson’s comments appeared off the cuff to me, though the Salvation Army part did appear to be purposely inserted into the situation. The problem is Johnson’s put on so much spin the last few years that people are skeptical about everything he says. They have reason to be.